Small Parcel Audit with Transportation Analytics

Small Parcel Audit

UPS Audit, FedEx Audit, and/or DHL Audit should go hand in hand with your shipping logistics. Over $3 Billion Dollars per year goes unclaimed with Small Parcel Carriers such as UPS, FedEx, and DHL due to incorrect charges and errors found within carrier invoices. Our former shipping carrier developers and management staff can bring a proprietary small parcel audit solution to your company's UPS, FedEx, and/or DHL carrier invoices that results in thousands of dollars being saved through our 93 plus Audit Points, Automated Systems in place with the carriers, and Transportation Analytics. No Risk, No Term Contracts, and No Obligation to continue along with our Lowest Contingency Fee Guarantee. 

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Experience with Small Parcel Audit

Former Carrier Employees (Managers, Developers, Account Executives)

Ship Watchers was found in 2006 and is comprised of former carrier employees and IT Professionals that continually improve the intelligence of our Small Parcel Audit Network and Web Portal given the ever changing carrier systems and technology being introduced to maintain a valuable presence in the logistics and supply chain industry. Ship Watchers guarantees to reduce your small parcel shipping costs with our auditing solution by at least 2% - 9% percent and up to 20% during Peak Season (October - January) due to carrier seasonal staff, demand on carrier systems, and overworked drivers. Our Small Parcel Audit is not “cookie-cutter” derived from years of working through strategic partnerships with our clients to bring the most value from an auditor. Whether you are a domestic shipper in the United States, a domestic shipper in the U.K. or a global shipper across all modes of transportation in the United States, we analyze your logistics needs, then deliver the solutions and services tailored around your unique shipping characteristics. Ship Watchers has a great team of growing professionals and a keen sense for technology to bring the best value to our clients


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